Custer's Last
Stand - A famous battle which occurred on Sunday, June 25, 1876.
General George Armstrong Custer, commanding the Seventh U. S. Calvary,
was in pursuit of the Dakota and other tribes led by Sitting Bull.
When Custer arrived at the junction of
the Big Horn and Little Horn rivers in Montana on the night of June 24,
he received word of what he supposed was a small force of Indians.
But early the next day he was surprised by some three thousand warriors.
Custer and his 264 men were slaughtered to the last man. The only
survivor was Custer's horse, Comanche.
Eighty one years after the battle a writer
gave credit to Chief White Bull of the Sioux as the actual killer of General
Custer. Before he died, Chief White Bull admitted that he had shot
Custer in the heart, this writer said. Yet most historians believe
the actual slayer of Custer will never be known. Chief Rain-in-the-Face
at one time claimed he had killed Colonel Tom Custer, General Custer's
brother, but he is said to have denied it later.
Related Information
within this Site
[ Cheyenne
][ Crazy Horse ][ Dakota
[ Gall
][ Rain-in-the-Face ][ Sitting
Bull ]