- An Algonquian tribe which formerly occupied most of the valley of the
Thames River in Connecticut. They are not to be confused with the
Mahican, or Mohican, who lived farther west near the upper Hudson River.
however, it is believed that the two tribes are related. The name
of each means "wolf" in the different dialects. The noted chief of
the Mohegan was Uncas.
Some are said to survive as mixed bloods
in their old town of Mohegan, Connecticut. There is also a town named
for their chief, Uncasville, on the Thames River in Connecticut.
There is a Mohegan in West Virginia, and a Mohegan lake in New York, although
the latter is said to actually be named for the Mahican.
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[ Cooper
][ Mahican ][ Narraganset
][ Pequot ][ Uncas