- A famous Chiricahua Apache chief who led the revolt of his
tribe against the whites in the 1870's. Cochise had resisted when
efforts were made to place the Apaches on a new reservation in New mexico.
With fewer than 200 warriors he held off the United States Army for more
than four years and forced the Government to make peace with an unconquered
enemy. Then, after a reservation was established in Arizona, he brought
in his warriors.
Cochise, although one of the fiercest Apaches
of them all, proved in peace to be a very wise man. he did not want
his people on a reservation, and had said: "Let my people mingle
with the whites, in their farms and communities, and let us be one people."
But the Government said no. It was many years before the white man
realized the wisdom of Cochise's reasoning and decided that Indians and
whites should be one people.
Cochise died peacefully on June 8, 1874.
A county, town, and mountains in Arizona are named for him.
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[ Apache