Bright Eyes - An Indian woman, Susette La Flesche, daughter of a former chief of the Omaha, who did much to better the condition of Indians on reservations.  After the Government had forcibly removed the Ponca indians from the Omaha Reservation to indian Territory in 1877-1878, Bright Eyes and her father went there to help care for the sick and dying relatives.  This case attracted nationwide interest and it was in connection with this removal that Judge Dundy rendered his famous decision that "an Indian is a person."

Bright Eyes toured the country appealing for humanity toward her race.  The Government was requested, as a result, to permit no more forcible removal of Indians to reservations, and this policy was more or less observed from that time.  Bright Eyes later married Thomas Henry Tribbles, a white man who had become interested in her work.  She died at Lincoln, nebraska, in 1902.  Tribbles later wrote a book, Buckskin and Blanket Days.  The manuscript was left to a daughter, but it was not until 1957 that Tribbles' grandson finally interested a publisher in it.

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