Boone, Daniel
- American pioneer, trapper, and Indian fighter. Boone was
november 2, 1734, near the present city of Reading, Pennsylvania.
When he was seventeen, he moved with his father to Davie County, North
Carolina, and here he spent much of his time hunting and trapping.
He was a wagoner with the English general, Braddock, when the latter was
defeated by the Indians in 1755.
Twelve years later Boone first roamed Kentucky
with several companions, collecting bear, beaver, and deerskins.
In 1775 he led a party of settlers to kentucky where he founded Boonseborough.
A few years later he and several companions were captured by the Shawnee,
taken to Detroit and adopted by the tribe. Boone escaped and returned
to Boonesborough in time to notify the settlers of a planned Indian
attack. As a result the Indians were repulsed.
When Kentucky was admitted to the Union,
Boone lost title to his land. He moved to a palce in what is now
Missouri, about forty five miles west of St louis. he died September
22, 1820, at Charette, Missouri. later his remains were taken to
Frankfort, Kentucky, where a monument was erected to him.
Through the years there has been some controversy
over the moving of his remains. He is said to have said "I shall
never return to Kentucky. For they have mistreated me badly"
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